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Spawning Entities

Spawning new entities into the world and attaching behaviors.

import { Behavior, Collider, Sprite } from "@dreamlab/engine";
import BulletBehavior from "./bullet.ts"; // this import is not an API, the user will need to make this behavior

Spawning Entities Overview:

There are multiple ways to spawn entities in the game using the "@dreamlab/engine" package.
Each method is suitable for different scenarios, depending on your needs.

1. **Cloning a Prefab:**
- This method is ideal for spawning predefined entities, such as players or enemies, that have been set up as prefabs.
- You can clone a prefab into the world and customize its properties (e.g., name, position, authority).

Example:, {
name: "Player." +,
transform: { position: { x: 0, y: 0 } },

2. **Spawning from Scratch:**
- For more complex entities that may not have a predefined prefab, you can spawn them directly by defining their components and behaviors in the spawn call.
- This method allows you to create fully customized entities on the fly.

type: RectCollider,
name: "EnemyBullet",
transform: {
position: this.entity.transform.position.clone(),
scale: { x: 0.25, y: 0.25 },
behaviors: [{ type: BulletBehavior, values: { speed: 8 } }],
children: [
type: Sprite,
name: "BulletSprite",
transform: {
scale: { x: 0.75, y: 0.75 },


export default class PlayerSpawner extends Behavior {
onInitialize(): void {
// Cloning a prefab to spawn a player entity.
if (! return;, {
name: "Player." +,
transform: { position: { x: 0, y: 0 } },

// Modify the local camera entity's scale after spawning the player.{ x: 2, y: 2 });

export default class EnemyMovement extends Behavior {
speed = Math.random() * 0.5 + 0.5;
minDistance = 5;
shootDistance = 10;
lastShootTime = 0;
shootCooldown = Math.random() * 2000 + 1000;

onTick(): void {
const player ="Player");
const playerPos = player?.globalTransform.position;
if (!playerPos) return;

const direction = playerPos.sub(this.entity.transform.position).normalize();
const distance = playerPos.sub(this.entity.transform.position).magnitude();

if (distance > this.minDistance + 5) {
let speedFactor = 1;
if (distance < this.minDistance + 10) {
speedFactor = (distance - this.minDistance) / 10;
this.entity.transform.position = this.entity.transform.position.add(
direction.mul(( / 100) * this.speed * speedFactor)

const rotation = Math.atan2(direction.y, direction.x);
this.entity.transform.rotation = rotation - Math.PI / 2;

if (distance <= this.shootDistance) {
const now =;
if (now - this.lastShootTime > this.shootCooldown) {
this.lastShootTime = now;

shootAtPlayer(): void {
const rotation = this.entity.transform.rotation + Math.PI / 2;

// Spawning a bullet entity with custom transform, behaviors, and children entities{
type: Collider,
name: "EnemyBullet",
transform: {
position: this.entity.transform.position.clone(),
scale: { x: 0.25, y: 0.25 },
behaviors: [{ type: BulletBehavior, values: { speed: 8 } }],
children: [
type: Sprite,
name: "BulletSprite",
transform: {
scale: { x: 0.75, y: 0.75 },