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Detecting Collisions

Running code when one entity collides with another


These docs power Dreamlab Assistant, an AI chatbot that helps you code your game.

scripts tab location

Navigate to your "Scripts" tab and the Dreamlab Assistant will be available on the right-hand side.

import { Behavior, Entity, EntityCollision } from '@dreamlab/engine'
import HealthBar from './health-bar.ts'
import PlayerBehavior from './player.ts'

Handling Collisions in Game Entities:

The `EntityCollision` signal in "@dreamlab/engine"
helps detect when two entities collide. This signal provides details like whether the collision
has just started and the other entity involved.

Key Points:
- **Listening for Collisions:** Use the `listen` method to react to collision events.
- **Collision Filtering:** Handle collisions only with specific entities by checking their properties.
- **Responding to Collisions:** For example, decrease health or destroy an entity when a collision occurs.

Below is an `EnemyBehavior` that reduces health when hit by a bullet and increases the player's score if the enemy is destroyed.

export default class EnemyBehavior extends Behavior {
private healthBar!: HealthBar

onInitialize(): void {
const health = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 3
this.healthBar = this.entity.addBehavior({
type: HealthBar,
values: { maxHealth: health, currentHealth: health },

// Listen for collision event
this.listen(this.entity, EntityCollision, e => {
if (e.started) this.onCollide(e.other)

// Example of collision usage. We only want this entity to collide with the "Bullet" entity
onCollide(other: Entity) {
if (!'Bullet')) return

if (this.healthBar.currentHealth <= 0) {
const player =
player.getBehavior(PlayerBehavior).score += 100