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Handling Input

Handling user input, keypresses and mouse input

import { Behavior, Vector2, syncedValue } from "@dreamlab/engine";
Handling Inputs in a Behavior:

This example demonstrates how to set up and handle various inputs within a behavior using the `Inputs` class.
Inputs are created for specific actions (e.g., movement or firing), and these actions are then checked and handled
during the behavior's update cycle (`onTick`).

Key Concepts:
- **Input Creation:**
Inputs are created using `this.inputs.create(...)`, binding a specific action to a key or mouse button.
These inputs are stored in private fields and can be checked every frame to determine if the corresponding
action should be executed.

- **Input Handling:**
Each frame, the behavior checks whether an input (e.g., a key or mouse button) is held down and executes
the appropriate logic, such as moving an entity or firing a weapon.

- **Cursor Tracking:**
The `Inputs` class also provides cursor tracking, which allows the entity to rotate or aim based on the cursor's
position in the game world.

Below is the implementation of the `Movement` behavior that handles player movement and firing based on input.


export default class Movement extends Behavior {
speed = 5.0;

// Input bindings for movement
// (method) Inputs.create(name: string, label: string, defaultBinding: Input): Action
#up = this.inputs.create("@movement/up", "Move Up", "KeyW");
#down = this.inputs.create("@movement/down", "Move Down", "KeyS");
#left = this.inputs.create("@movement/left", "Move Left", "KeyA");
#right = this.inputs.create("@movement/right", "Move Right", "KeyD");

// Input binding for firing
#fire = this.inputs.create("@clickFire/fire", "Fire", "MouseLeft");

// Cooldown management for firing
readonly #cooldown = 0;
#lastFired = 0;

velocity = Vector2.ZERO;

onTick(): void {
const movement = new Vector2(0, 0);
const currentSpeed = this.speed;

// Handle movement inputs
if (this.#up.held) movement.y += 1;
if (this.#down.held) movement.y -= 1;
if (this.#right.held) movement.x += 1;
if (this.#left.held) movement.x -= 1;

// Calculate the velocity based on movement input and speed
this.velocity = movement
.mul(( / 100) * currentSpeed);

// Update entity's position based on the input
const newPosition = this.entity.transform.position.add(this.velocity);

if (this.#fire.pressed) {
// create a bullet

// look at cursor
const cursorPosition =;
if (!cursorPosition) return;
// EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Use the value of before applying newPosition to the transform
const rotation = this.entity.transform.position.lookAt(cursorPosition);
this.entity.transform.rotation = rotation;

// Apply the new position to the entity
this.entity.transform.position = newPosition;