📄️ Basic Structure
Behavior classes are used to implement all game functionality.
📄️ Character Controller
Using the built-in character controller which handles collision detection. Great for any movement style.
📄️ Detecting Collisions
Running code when one entity collides with another
📄️ Handling Input
Handling user input, keypresses and mouse input
📄️ Handling Transforms
Moving, scaling, and rotating objects
📄️ Handling Values
Updating the public variables associated with behaviors. These should be used to store state that can be inspected in the editor.
📄️ Interacting with Behaviors
Fetching other behaviors attached to an entity.
📄️ Looking Up and Referencing Entities
Getting entities by ID or keeping track of entities associated with a behavior.
📄️ Message Channels and Key Value Database
Facilitating communication between behaviors using custom messages and synced values to synchronize state or trigger actions.
📄️ Spawning Entities
Spawning new entities into the world and attaching behaviors.
📄️ User Interfaces
Creating GUIs (HUDs, health bars, etc)
📄️ Vector2 API
Essential vector operations like addition, subtraction, and normalization using Vector2.