Looking Up and Referencing Entities
Getting entities by ID or keeping track of entities associated with a behavior.
import { Behavior, ColoredSquare } from "@dreamlab/engine";
You can look up entities by their ID using the various roots (prefabs, local, world, & server).
Each root contains a collection of entities, and you can access a specific entity by its ID
using the following syntax: `this.game.root._.MyEntityID`.
Suppose you have an entity with the ID "Player" in the prefabs root and another with the ID "MainCamera" in the local root.
- To retrieve the Player entity from the prefabs root:
const playerEntity = this.game.prefabs._.Player;
- To retrieve the MainCamera entity from the local root:
const cameraEntity = this.game.local._.MainCamera;
These entities can then be manipulated directly. For example:
playerEntity.transform.position.assign({ x: 10, y: 5 });
cameraEntity.transform.scale.assign({ x: 1.5, y: 1.5 });
Accessing entity children:
Use `this.entity._.ChildName` to access a child entity directly.
For example: `this.entity._.ColoredSquare` will work if the entity has a child named 'ColoredSquare'.
If the child's name contains a space, use bracket notation: `this.entity._["My_Entity"]`.
You can also access children of children by chaining:
Do NOT use `this.entity.children.find(child => child.name === "ChildName")` as it is inefficient and unnecessary.
The `children` property provides a `ReadonlyMap` for reference but should not be used for lookups.
Accessing synced values in Dreamlab:
1. **Entity synced values**:
To access a synced value from an entity, use the `cast` method to cast the entity's child to its specific type.
private onCollide(e: EntityCollision): void {
// Change the wall's color to match the ball's color
// Color is a HEX value only in a String
const wallSolidColor = e.other._.ColoredSquare;
wallSolidColor.cast(ColoredSquare).color =
- `cast` ensures you access the correct type, allowing you to manipulate its synced values safely.
- This is essential when interacting with child entities or components that expose synced values.
2. **Behavior synced values**:
To access synced values within a behavior, use the `getBehavior` method to retrieve the behavior instance attached to an entity.
onCollide(other: Entity) {
if (!other.name.startsWith("Bullet")) return;
if (this.healthBar.currentHealth <= 0) {
const player = this.entity.game.world._.Player;
player.getBehavior(PlayerBehavior).score += 100;
- `getBehavior` retrieves the behavior instance where the synced value is defined, allowing direct access to it.
- Use this method for behaviors instead of `getComponent`.
- Do NOT use `getComponent` for accessing synced values. It is less efficient and not recommended.
- Ensure type safety by using `cast` for entity properties and `getBehavior` for behavior-specific values.
export default class PlayerSpawner extends Behavior {
onInitialize(): void {
if (!this.game.isClient()) return;
this.game.prefabs._.Player.cloneInto(this.game.world, {
name: "Player." + this.game.network.self,
transform: { position: { x: 0, y: 0 } },
authority: this.game.network.self,
this.game.local._.Camera.transform.scale.assign({ x: 2, y: 2 });