Character Controller
Using the built-in character controller which handles collision detection. Great for any movement style.
// This is an example of how to implement a platformer controller using the KinematicCharacterController
import {
} from "@dreamlab/engine";
import { KinematicCharacterController } from "@dreamlab/vendor/rapier.ts";
export default class PlatformMovement extends Behavior {
#collider: Collider = this.entity.cast(Collider);
#controller: KinematicCharacterController | undefined;
speed = 10.0;
jumpForce = 20.0;
jumpAcceleration = 40;
gravity = 90.0;
maxJumpTime = 1; // Maximum duration the jump key affects the jump
#verticalVelocity = 0;
#isGrounded = false;
#jumpTimeCounter = 0;
#up = this.inputs.create("@movement/up", "Move Up", "KeyW");
#down = this.inputs.create("@movement/down", "Move Down", "KeyS");
#left = this.inputs.create("@movement/left", "Move Left", "KeyA");
#right = this.inputs.create("@movement/right", "Move Right", "KeyD");
#jump = this.inputs.create("@movement/jump", "Jump", "Space");
onInitialize(): void {
if ( {
this.#controller =;
this.listen(this.entity, EntityDestroyed, () => {
if (this.#controller);
onTick(): void {
if (!this.#controller) return;
const deltaTime = / 1000; // Convert to seconds
let horizontalInput = 0;
if (this.#right.held) horizontalInput += 1;
if (this.#left.held) horizontalInput -= 1;
const horizontalVelocity = horizontalInput * this.speed;
// Jumping logic
if (this.#jump.pressed && this.#isGrounded) {
this.#verticalVelocity = this.jumpForce;
this.#jumpTimeCounter = 0;
if (this.#jump.held && this.#jumpTimeCounter < this.maxJumpTime) {
// Apply upward acceleration while the jump key is held
this.#verticalVelocity += this.jumpAcceleration * deltaTime;
this.#jumpTimeCounter += deltaTime;
// Create movement vector
const movement = new Vector2(
horizontalVelocity * deltaTime,
this.#verticalVelocity * deltaTime
this.#controller.computeColliderMovement(this.#collider.collider, movement);
const corrected = this.#controller.computedMovement();
this.#isGrounded = this.#controller.computedGrounded();
if (!this.#isGrounded) this.#verticalVelocity -= this.gravity * deltaTime;
this.entity.pos = this.entity.pos.add(corrected);