Why Dreamlab

Why Choose Dreamlab?

Dreamlab vs. Roblox

  • Similarities:

    • Multiplayer by default, with a strong focus on community-created content.
    • Seamless client-server communication with built-in networking.
    • Free and unlimited game hosting.
  • What Sets Dreamlab Apart:

    • JavaScript/TypeScript Scripting: Enjoy the flexibility and power of modern web languages, unlike Roblox’s Lua scripting.
    • 2D Focus (For Now): Currently optimized for 2D games, with exciting plans to venture into 3D in the future.

Dreamlab vs. Unity

  • Unity’s Challenge: Requires third-party tools to handle multiplayer, making it complex and time-consuming for networked games.
  • Dreamlab’s Solution: Multiplayer is baked in from the start—no additional tools required.

Dreamlab vs. GameMaker Studio

  • Shared Strength: Both excel in 2D game development with integrated multiplayer support.
  • Dreamlab’s Edge:
    • Snapshot Interpolation: Superior netcode for smoother gameplay experiences.
    • Dedicated Server Authority: Ensures fair and consistent gameplay.
    • AI-Powered Creativity: Unleash your creativity with AI-generated assets.

Dreamlab vs. Minecraft/Spigot

  • Minecraft’s Strength: Customizable worlds with player-placed objects and mods.
  • Dreamlab’s Advancement:
    • Standalone Games: Create fully independent games that anyone can access with a simple link.
    • More Than Mods: Build complete games from scratch, not just mods or server variations.