Add a Power-Up

Add a Super-Speed Power-Up

We’re going to be implementing a new entity that when your player collides with it, it increases their speed for ten seconds when they collide with it.

Creating Art

You can use the Dreamlab asset creator to create art for your powerup. You can access it from the editor menu (openable with backtick `)

On this page, you can make a sketch and type a prompt to generate an image using AI. I made a pill with a lightning bolt but you can do whatever you want!

After you’ve created it, it will appear in your “Assets” tab in the Dreamlab sidebar.

Writing the Scripts

Create a New Entity

import type { SpawnableContext, Time } from ''
import { game } from ''
import { z } from ''
import { Solid, SolidArgs } from ''
export const SpeedBoostArgs = SolidArgs.extend({
  amount: z.number().default(4),
  duration: z.number().default(10),
export class SpeedBoost extends Solid<typeof SpeedBoostArgs> {
  private lifeTime = 1000
  public constructor(ctx: SpawnableContext<typeof SpeedBoostArgs>) {
    this.transform.zIndex = -10
    if (this.body) {
      this.body.isSensor = true
    if (!this.tags.includes('net/replicated')) {
    if (!this.tags.includes('editor/doNotSave'))
    // replace this with the URL you copied when creating your own art
    this.args.spriteSource = {
      url: '',
  public die(): void {
    const $game = game('server')
    if (!$game) return
  public expire() {
    this.lifeTime -= 1
    if (this.lifeTime <= 0) {
  override onPhysicsStep(_: Time) {

Register Your Entity

import { SpeedBoost, SpeedBoostArgs } from './entities/SpeedBoost.ts'
// this gets run on both the client and the server
export const sharedInit: InitShared = game => {
  // disable gravity since this game is top-down
  game.physics.engine.gravity.scale = 0
  // other entities being registered ...
  // register our speedboost powerup entity
  game.register('SpeedBoost', SpeedBoost, SpeedBoostArgs)

Add Ability For Player to Pick Up Speedboost

Inside the onCollide function in the BulletHeavenPlayer class, we can add the following snippet

onCollide([a, b]: readonly [SpawnableEntity, SpawnableEntity]) {
  // ...
  if (other instanceof SpeedBoost) {
    // only run pick-up code on client.
    const $game = game('client')
    if (!$game) return
    // destroy picked up SpeedBoost on server to make it disappear for other players
    network('client')?.sendCustomMessage('DESTROY_BY_ID', { uid: other.uid })
    // destroy on client
    // add our speed buff
    this.args.speed += other.args.amount
    // if we have a timer running down, cancel it
    if (this.speedBuffTimer) {
    // clear the speed buff after the specified duration.
    this.speedBuffTimer = setTimeout(() => {
      this.args.speed = this.baseSpeed;
    }, other.args.duration * 1000)

You’ll also need to add a speedBuffTimer property to the class to store the timer.

Making Enemies Drop Speed Buffs

In the die function, we can give our enemies a 20% chance of dropping our new SpeedBoost item.

public die(): void {
  // ...
    if (Math.random() < 0.2) {
        entity: "SpeedBoost",
        args: {
          spriteSource: { url: "world://assets/symboo.png" },
          amount: 4,
          duration: 10
        transform: { position: this.transform.position }